Some Brief Reflections concerning the Mobility Partnership in the EU External Migration Policy
Paix et Securité Internationales
Nouvelle Série – Version électronique
Issue #4 (2016)
Some Brief Reflections concerning the Mobility Partnership in the EU EXternal Migration Policy
Teresa RUSSO
Abstract: The present work intends to highlight the most relevant aspects of the choices of the EU’s external migration policy through the instrument of Mobility Partnership which was proposed as general framework for the management of migration flows from third countries. Its main aim was to take due account of the interests and objectives of EU, partner countries and migrants themselves. So, the partnership was included among the external migration policy’s instruments with additional and different features than its earlier namesakes of the Union’s external relations. Nevertheless, the need to contain the migratory pressure coming from Africa and the Mediterranean, an area in which the Union has recognized priority actions, affects the form and the content of the few partnerships concluded until now and has a negative impact on its results, as well as on the respect of fundamental rights of migrants.
Keywords: EU external migration policy, Partnership, Mediterranean, Readmission Agreement.
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Paix et Sécurité Internationales
ISSN 2341-0868