Nueva publicación del Profesor Michel Remi Njiki en la International Journal of Refugee Law: Statelessness and Nationality Matters in the context of Migration between Northern Africa and Spain 20 agosto 2024
El Dr. D. Michel Remi Njiki, Profesor Contratado Doctor del Área de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Cádiz, ha publicado en el International Journal of Refugee Law, Volume 35, Issue 2, June 2023, su reciente artículo titulado “Statelessness and Nationality Matters in the context of Migration between Northern Africa and Spain”.
This article explores the problems linked with the determination of nationality and the condition of statelessness in a complex setting characterized by undocumented migration, such as the transit zone around the Strait of Gibraltar, between North Africa and the southern borders of Spain. The States immediately concerned are Morocco and Spain, although the situation affects many other neighbouring States in North Africa. The study suggests that without a precise mechanism to separate regimes between ordinary migrants and migrants who need international protection, such States fail to fulfil their international obligations regarding stateless persons and other undocumented migrants.
El profesor Michel Remi es miembro del Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet Center of Excellence Inmigración y Derechos Humanos en las Fronteras Exteriores Europeas – Migration and Human Rights in Europe´s External Borders; y miembro del Grupo de Investigación SEJ-572 «Centro de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos del Área del Estrecho–CINTERGIB», dirigido por el Dr. D. Alejandro del Valle Gálvez.
El artículo puede consultarse en el siguiente enlace web: