English Info
IV Bilingual Master in International Relations, Law an Immigration in the EU
Course Description
The Master in International Relations, Law and Immigration in the UE of the University of Cadiz is presented to offer graduates a bilingual (Spanish-English) course to address two intertwined, currently relevant aspects of contemporary International Society: International Relations of a changing globalized world, and international migration, which is one of the most controversial and complex areas for national internal policy and for the foreign action of States and International Organizations.
The Masters will allow graduates from different disciplines to develop a professional specialization related to job opportunities aimed at both agencies, International Institutions, International Organizations (diplomacy, national government officials, experts, officials and international civil servants), as well as Spanish authorities and International NGOs and NGOs specializing in the field of international migration.
Module I. International Relations
1.1. English for International Relations
1.2. Internacional Relations and International Society
1.3. Cooperation, Conflict, International Negotiacion. Diplomatic and Consular Relations
1.4. Internacionales Relationes, Democracy y Human Rights
2.5. Spanish Foreign Policies – The Post-soviet space
Module II. European Union and Immigration Policies
2.1. Englisth for Internacional Migrations
2.2. Law, International Relations and Immigration Policies
2.3. European Union Europea and the Euro-Mediterranean Relations
2.4. Immigration, Borders and the European Immigration Policy
2.5. Inmigrants Rights in Spain
Module III. Internship & Thesis
3.1. Internship
3.2. Thesis
Course Options. 2014
A) Master:
IV Bilingual Master in Internacional Relations, Law and Immigration in the EU
20/01/2014 to 30/09/2014
Tuition Fees Price: 1500 €
Language: 50% in Spanish and 50% in English
B) Postgraduate Expert Diplomas:
IV Experto en Relaciones Internacionales
20/01/2014 to 16/03/2014
Tuition Fees: 900 €
Language: Spanish
IV Experto en Unión Europea y Políticas Migratorias
31/03/2014 to 31/05/2014
Tuition Fees: 900 €
Language: Spanish
IV Expert in International Relations and Immigration policies
20/01/2014 to 30/05/2014
Tuition Fees: 1200 €
Language: English
C) Continous Education Courses
International Relations
20/01/2014 to 16/03/2014
Tuition Fees: 700 €
Language: English
International and European Immigration Policies
31/03/2014 to 31/05/2014
Tuition Fees: 700 €
Language: English
Preregistration deadline for Master and Postgraduate Expert Diplomas: December 16, 2013
Registration timetable: from December 18, 2013 to January 10, 2014
For more information and registration, contact:
Fundación Universidad Empresa de la provincia de Cádiz
Edif. Consorcio Tecnológico de Cádiz, c/Benito Pérez Galdós, s/n, 11002-Cádiz.
T: 656 070 372/73 F: 956070 371
fueca.uca.es – formacion@fueca.es