Un nouvel élan dans les relations euro-mediterranéennes
Paix et Securité Internationales
Nouvelle Série – Version électronique
Issue #1 (2013)
Un nouvel élan dans les relations euro-mediterranéennes
Antonio BLANC ALTEMIR – Bénedicte REAL
A New Impulse to the Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Abstract: The awakening of democracy in the South Mediterranean countries, since the end of 2010, caught by surprise the International Community, and particularly, the European Union (EU), even though it had been developing many cooperation instruments towards this area. This article deals with the new approach that the EU expects to apply in order to overcome the difficulties that it had been confronting, and also to stop the suffered criticisms through the strengthening of its Neighborhood Policy.
Key Words: Euro-Mediterranean Policy; European Neighborhood Policy; Arab Spring; South Mediterranean Countries; Democratic Reform; Human Rights.
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Paix et Sécurité Internationales
ISSN 2341-0868