The Regional Integration as a Solution to Face the Mediterranean Security Challenges
Paix et Securité Internationales
Nouvelle Série – Version électronique
Issue #5 (2017)
The Regional Integration as a Solution to Face the Mediterranean Security Challenges
Maria Dolores ALGORA WEBER
Abstract: The aim of this analysis is to do a short review of the Mediterranean Region situation in terms of Security. The regional integration will be tackled as the unique solution to face risks, threats and conflicts inside its frame. The multilateral initiatives which constitute the called “Architecture of Security” offer models to achieve this aim. The present contribution will be focused on the often unknown 5+5 Initiative of Defense. The scientific intention is not to point out a final solution to the troubling scene of the Mediterranean basin; it is just an approach to highlight the state of art on this issue.
Keywords: Mediterranean region, Security Policy Architecture, regional integration and cooperation, 5+5 Initiative of Defence.
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Paix et Sécurité Internationales
ISSN 2341-0868